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  • Introduction
  • Connecting to Data Source
    1. Supported data sources
    2. Connecting to other data sources
  • Browser compatibility
  • Documentation for older versions
  • Installing the Data Server as a console application

    Guides in this section are focused on using the Data Server as a console application. You can also install the Data Server as a Windows/Unix service or reference it as a DLL.

    This walkthrough describes how to install Flexmonster Data Server.

    Installing Flexmonster Data Server


    • Flexmonster CLI
      Install it with the following command:
      npm install -g flexmonster-cli

    For easy and smooth installation of Flexmonster Data Server, follow the steps below.

    Step 1. Download

    Flexmonster Data Server is available for the following operating systems:

    • Windows (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • macOS (64-bit and ARM64)
    • Ubuntu/Linux (64-bit and ARM64)

    Flexmonster CLI downloads the appropriate version of the Data Server depending on your operating system.

    To start the installation, run the following CLI command:

    flexmonster add fds executable

    Step 2. See the download package structure

    The flexmonster add fds executable command downloads the .zip archive with Flexmonster Data Server and automatically unpacks the files in the current folder.

    As a result, the flexmonster-data-server/ folder will appear in your working directory. It has the following structure:

    On Windows

    • Flexmonster-Admin-Panel.exe – the executable file to install Flexmonster Admin Panel.
    • flexmonster-config.json – the Flexmonster Data Server configuration file. It contains a configured ready-to-use CSV data source "sample-index".
    • flexmonster-data-server.exe – an executable version of Flexmonster Data Server.
    • service-install.bat – the executable file to install the Data Server as a service.
    • service-uninstall.bat – the executable file to uninstall the Data Server as a service.
    • sample-data/data.csv – the file with sample CSV data to create "sample-index" (see flexmonster-config.json).

    On macOS

    • Flexmonster-Admin-Panel.dmg – the file to install Flexmonster Admin Panel.
    • flexmonster-config.json – the Flexmonster Data Server configuration file. It contains a configured ready-to-use CSV data source "sample-index".
    • flexmonster-data-server – an executable version of Flexmonster Data Server.
    • service-install – the executable file to install the Data Server as a service.
    • service-uninstall – the executable file to uninstall the Data Server as a service.
    • sample-data/data.csv – the file with sample CSV data to create "sample-index" (see flexmonster-config.json).

    On Ubuntu/Linux

    • Flexmonster-Admin-Panel.AppImage – the file to install Flexmonster Admin Panel.
    • flexmonster-config.json – the Flexmonster Data Server configuration file. It contains a configured ready-to-use CSV data source "sample-index".
    • flexmonster-data-server – an executable version of Flexmonster Data Server.
    • service-install – the executable file to install the Data Server as a service.
    • service-uninstall – the executable file to uninstall the Data Server as a service.
    • sample-data/data.csv – the file with sample CSV data to create "sample-index" (see flexmonster-config.json).

    Step 3. Run the Data Server

    To start using Flexmonster Data Server, just run the executable file from the console:

    on Windows


    on macOS and Ubuntu/Linux


    Now Flexmonster Data Server is up and running. To connect Flexmonster Pivot to the Data Server, follow the next guide.

    Connecting to the Data Server

    Step 1. Embed the component into your webpage

    If Flexmonster is not yet embedded, set up an empty component in your webpage:

    In pure JavaScript

    Complete the Integrating Flexmonster guide. Your code should look similar to the following example:

    let pivot = new Flexmonster({
      container: "pivotContainer",
      componentFolder: "node_modules/flexmonster/",
      toolbar: true

    In React

    Complete the Integration with React guide. Your code should look similar to the following example:


    In Angular

    Complete the Integration with Angular guide. Your code should look similar to the following example:


    In Vue

    Complete the Integration with Vue guide. Your code should look similar to the following example:


    Step 2. Configure the report

    To connect to Flexmonster Data Server, configure the report as follows:

    let pivot = new Flexmonster({
      container: "pivotContainer",
      componentFolder: "node_modules/flexmonster/",
      toolbar: true,
      report: {
        dataSource: {
          type: "api",
          url: "http://localhost:9500",
          index: "sample-index"

    Note The "sample-index" is the index defined in flexmonster-config.json for the sample-data/data.csv file.

    Open the webpage in the browser: the pivot table with the sample CSV data is shown.

    Uninstalling the Data Server

    To completely uninstall the Data Server, you need to delete the Data Server's executable and folders.

    Note The uninstallation is irreversible, so ensure you back up the flexmonster-config.json file.

    Uninstall the Data Server with the following steps:

    On Windows

    Step 1. Stop the Data Server by closing the program.

    Step 2. Delete the flexmonster-data-server/ and C:/ProgramData/FlexmonsterDataServer/ folders.

    On macOS

    Step 1. Stop the Data Server by closing the program.

    Step 2. Delete the flexmonster-data-server/ and ~/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/ (will resolve to /home/[current_user]/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/) folders.

    On Ubuntu/Linux

    Step 1. Stop the Data Server by closing the program.

    Step 2. Delete the flexmonster-data-server/ and ~/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/ (will resolve to /home/[current_user]/.local/share/FlexmonsterDataServer/) folders.

    What's next?

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