PLEASE NOTE: Since we update Flexmonster Pivot with new features biweekly, the information might become outdated. Please check our latest news.

Use Flexmonster Pivot Table with Any 3rd Party Visualization Tools in Upcoming 2.3 Version

The new 2.3 release greatly extends users’ possibilities and allows visualizing more complex data from our Pivot table with popular 3rd party visualization tools.

If you never used Pivot table in your solutions but have different charts that need data preparation for each of them, you can benefit from using Pivot table powerful API as a smart single data source for different charts. You can quickly link the Flexmonster component to your data, show them in a pivot table and group/filter/aggregate them for further visualizing via built-in charts or third-party chart libraries.

If you are using Pivot table already now, the new version will allow enhancing built-in charts via integration with popular visualization tools or charting libraries, keeping the same powerful API for data filtering and aggregation like you used to.

In upcoming version you will find a new API extended with special methods that return data from Pivot Table component in specific formats. This will allow building any needed visualization just using the returned data.

Thus, if you already integrated with other 3rd party visualization tools in your solution or just plan to use them, the new version allows you to:

  • Use the Pivot table as the primary dynamic data source to easily create charts based on aggregated data.

The new API allows you to decide if a chart gets the same data that is displayed in a Pivot table or a different subset is selected for the chart. (This option will be introduced for JSON and CSV data sources)

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  • Link several charts to the Pivot table and show all of them in a Dashboard style.
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  • Easily integrate with our component using detailed samples for any of 3rd party charting libraries that you may want to use.

The API of the Pivot table component will be extended with connectors to the most popular charting libraries such as Highcharts, Google Charts, FusionCharts.


The use of the connectors will simplify integration and enable data return in ready-to-use format. For advanced use cases the standard connectors may be enhanced with an external function for preparing data that will become handy for non-standard chart types or for preprocessing data in some specific way.

Moreover if you are interested in other types of visualization - nothing is impossible. We will provide documentation and general samples that will help you to easily add any visualization you prefer.

The 2.3 Release is coming soon, so follow our news! 


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