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Cannot read property '0' of undefined

gautam asked on February 8, 2019

Hi Team,
Sometimes when I call setReport() method and send reportData to it, I get the following error:
Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at y6h.EK (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.$a (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.Sz (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.uC (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.nF (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.load (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at I9m.xs (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at Q7.I9m.b9m.Rp (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at Q7.V8.dispatch (flexmonster.full.js:9)
at Q7.(anonymous function).(anonymous function) [as Kn]
I am not able to debug the error.
Could you please let me know when this error comes?

1 answer

Tanya Gryshko Tanya Gryshko Flexmonster February 8, 2019

Hello, Parul,
Thank you for writing to us.
The recommended way is to call a setReport() method after a reportcomplete event is triggered.
Have a look at the example for Angular:

Please let me know if it helps.

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