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How to drill down into one of the rows on the charts

guest asked on September 8, 2015

The chart visualisation has a drill down option but this is not very user friendly since drilling down into one of the rows still keeps the others on the screen and give a very cluttered look.

Example, I have a bar chart for electricity consumption in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. When I drill down in 2008, it would be helpful to see only Jan, Feb, March .. Dec of 2008 and not 2009, 2010, 2011 ..

Is there a way I can enable drill down to restrict rows only the the expanded field and not others.

1 answer

Ian Sadovy Ian Sadovy Flexmonster September 7, 2015

Yes, it is possible.
Please configure the "chartOneLevel" parameter in the XML config:

<param name="chartOneLevel">false</param>

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