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  • Calculated values

    Using calculated values, you can add measures that are not present in the original dataset to provide a more comprehensive view of the data.

    You can create as many calculated values as you need. They can be saved and restored within the report. Each calculated value is described by the MeasureObject.

    This feature is available for the "json", "csv", and "api" data source types.

    To see different examples of using calculated values, see the Examples page.

    Calculated measure properties

    See the full list of available MeasureObject properties.

    How to add a calculated value

    You can add a calculated value in the following ways:

    • Via UI
    • In the report
    • Using API calls

    Via UI

    Step 1. Open the Field List.

    Step 2. Click the Add calculated value button:

    We show the location of the Add calculated value button

    As a result, the Calculated value pop-up window will appear.

    Step 2. In the pop-up window, enter a name for the calculated value and compose a formula: drag the existing values into the formula box and apply arithmetic operators. For example:

    Calculated value pop-up window with a defined formula

    Note that when using the "json" or "csv" data source types, you will see the Calculate individual values checkbox. If you select it, the formula will be calculated using raw values. Read more in the following section: Use the individual property.

    Step 3. Click APPLY to add the calculated value to the Field List. The new value will be added to the Values box and ready to be displayed in the component.

    In the report

    To add a calculated value in the report, add the MeasureObject to the slice.measures array. The calculated value must have the formula property defined. Check out the example:

    slice: {
    rows: [
    // Fields
    measures: [
    // Other measures
    uniqueName: "Average Quantity",
    formula: "sum('Quantity')/count('Quantity')",

    // Other properties


    Live example

    Using API calls

    You can add a calculated value using the addCalculatedMeasure() API call:

    let measure = {
    formula: "sum('Quantity')/count('Quantity')",
    uniqueName: "Average Quantity",
    caption: "Average Quantity",
    grandTotalCaption: "Total Average Quantity",
    active: true


    Live example

    Use cases

    Use multiple measures in a formula

    The following example shows how to define a formula with two measures:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
        // Other measures
          uniqueName: "Total Price",
          formula: "sum('Price') * sum('Quantity')",
          uniqueName: "Top Category",
          formula: "average('Price') < 4000 and sum('Quantity') > 100",

    Live example

    Use negative numbers in a formula

    To use a negative number in a formula, enclose the number in parentheses. For example:

    slice: {
      rows: [
        // Fields
      measures: [
        // Other measures
          formula: "(-1) * sum('Price')",
          uniqueName: "Inverted Price",

    Live example

    Use the individual property

    When the individual property is set to true, the formula is calculated using raw values.

    Note The individual property is available only for the "json" and "csv" data source types.

    Let’s see how it works. For example, we have the following data:

    "Quantity": 7,
    "Price": 100,
    "Country": "Canada"
    "Quantity": 5,
    "Price": 200,
    "Country": "USA"

    Based on this data, the formula sum('Quantity') * sum('Price') will be calculated like this:

    • If the individual is false: (7 + 5) * (100 + 200) = 3600
    • If the individual is true: 7 * 100 + 5 * 200 = 1700

    Here is how to specify the individual property in code:

    slice: {
    rows: [
    // Fields
    measures: [
    // Other measures
    uniqueName: "Revenue (individual)",
    formula: "sum('Quantity') * sum('Price')",
    individual: true

    Live example

    Specify number formatting for calculated values

    You can specify number formatting for a calculated value in the following way:

    report: {
    slice: {
    rows: [
    // Fields
    measures: [
    // Other measures
    uniqueName: "% of Total Price",
    formula: "percent('Price') / 100",
    format: "price",
    formats: [
    name: "price",
    decimalPlaces: 2,
    isPercent: true,


    Live example

    Apply conditional formatting to calculated values

    You can apply conditional formatting to a calculated value in the following way:

    report: {
    slice: {
    rows: [
    // Fields
    measures: [
    // Other measures
    uniqueName: "Top Category",
    formula: "average('Price') < 4000 and sum('Quantity') > 100",

    conditions: [
    formula: "#value = 1",
    measure: "Top Category",
    format: {
    backgroundColor: "#66FF99",

    Live example

    How to remove a calculated value

    You can remove a calculated value in the following ways:

    • Via UI
    • Using API calls

    Via UI

    Step 1. Open the Field List.

    Step 2. Click the Edit calculated value button near the calculated value name (e.g., Average Quantity). You can find the value in one of the following locations:

    1. In the All fields box.
    2. In the Values box if the value is selected in the slice.
    We show the location of the Edit calculated value buttons

    Step 3. Click the Remove button. As a result, you will be prompted to confirm the action. Click Yes in the pop-up window.

    We show the location of the Remove calculated value button

    Using API calls

    Use the removeCalculatedMeasure API call to remove a specific calculated measure. For example:

    let measureName = "Average Quantity";

    Live example

    To remove all calculated measures, use the removeAllCalculatedMeasure API call:


    Live example

    Available operators and functions for calculated values

    Below is a list of all operators and functions that can be used in the formula property. You can also check out a list of available aggregations.

    +Arithmetic addition operator.
    Syntax: a + b.
    -Arithmetic subtraction operator.
    Syntax: a - b.
    *Arithmetic multiplication operator.
    Syntax: a * b.
    /Arithmetic division operator.
    Syntax: a / b.
    ^Arithmetic power operator.
    Syntax: a^2.
    <Comparison less than operator.
    Syntax: a < b.
    <=Comparison less than or equal operator.
    Syntax: a <= b.
    >Comparison greater than operator.
    Syntax: a > b.
    >=Comparison greater than or equal operator.
    Syntax: a >= b.
    ==Comparison equal operator.
    Syntax: a == b.
    orLogical OR operator.
    Syntax: a or b.
    andLogical AND operator.
    Syntax: a and b.
    ifConditional operator. If the else statement is not specified, cells that do not meet the condition will be empty.
    Syntax: if(condition, then, else?) Live example.
    absFunction that returns the absolute value of a number.
    Syntax: abs(number).
    roundFunction that rounds the value to the specified number of decimal places. If the number of decimals is not specified, the value is rounded to the nearest integer.
    Syntax: round(number, decimals?) Live example.
    minFunction that returns the minimum value.
    Syntax: min(number1, number2).
    maxFunction that returns the maximum value.
    Syntax: max(number1, number2).
    isNaNFunction that checks whether the value is not a number.
    Syntax: isNaN(value).
    !isNaNFunction that checks whether the value is a number.
    Syntax: !isNaN(value).

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