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  • Conditional formatting

    Conditional formatting is used to format a cell or a range of cells based on specified criteria. In one report, you can create as many conditions as you need and each condition can apply different formatting rules. Multiple conditional formatting rules for the report will be applied one by one in the order that they were created.

    Conditional formatting rules may be added to all pivot table cells, to the cell specifying row and column indexes, to totals and subtotals only, to regular cells only, or to the cells of the selected measure, hierarchy, and hierarchy's member.

    Conditions can be defined within a report. When you save the report all the conditional formatting will also be saved and loaded when the report is retrieved.

    To see different live examples on how to use conditional formatting, visit our Examples page.

    Conditional format properties

    With conditional formatting you can define the following: a logical expression for the rules of the condition (the formula property); style objects for cells that pass the condition (the format property); and the cells to which the condition is applied. Style objects are composed of font size, font color, font family, and background color.

    See the full list of available ConditionalFormatObject properties.

    Formatting all values

    You need to specify the formula and format properties to apply the conditional rule to all values. You can define a format the following way:

      dataSource: {
        filename: ""
      conditions: [
          formula: "#value < 400000",
          format: {
            backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
            color: "#0000FF", // Blue
            fontFamily: "Arial",
            fontSize: "12px"

    Live example

    Formatting specific values

    A formatting rule can be applied to a specific measure, hierarchy, hierarchy member, column, or row. Additionally, you can apply it only to regular cells or to totals and subtotals. For example, if you are visualizing financial data, you may want to apply conditional formatting only to regular cells with prices. See an example below:

      dataSource: {
        filename: ""
      conditions: [
          formula: "#value < 10000",
          measure: "Quantity",
          aggregation: "sum",
          format: {
            backgroundColor: "#7CB342", // Green
            color: "#FFFFFF"

    Live example

    Conditions based on another field’s value

    To apply the conditional formatting based on another field’s value, specify the field’s name in the formula property:

      dataSource: {
        filename: ""
      conditions: [
          measure: "Price",
          formula: '"Quantity" > 50000',
          format: {
            fontSize: "14px",
            backgroundColor: "#FF79CD", // Pink
            color: "#FFFFFF"

    Live example

    Manage conditional formatting using the Toolbar

    Go to Format > Conditional formatting in the Toolbar to change/define conditional formatting rules for values at runtime.


    This conditional formatting will be applied to the specified values and will be saved within the report.

    Overriding default formatting styles in the conditional formatting view

    Starting from version 2.9.75, it is possible to customize styles that are selected by default when adding a conditional formatting rule via the built-in pop-up window. This includes font family, font size, text color, and background color.

    New values for the default styles can be defined in the toolbar.defaults.defaultConditionalFormat object. We recommend customizing the styles through the beforetoolbarcreated event.


    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
    container: "pivot-container",
    toolbar: true,
    // ...
    beforetoolbarcreated: function(toolbar) {
    toolbar.defaults.defaultConditionalFormat = {
    fontFamily: "Verdana",
    fontSize: "14px",
    color: "#E0F2F1",
    backgroundColor: "#00897B"


    Live example

    Conditional formatting via API

    The API call addCondition() is used to add or change a conditional formatting rule at runtime. You can change conditions along with other report parts using the API call setReport().

    What’s next?

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