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  • Managing license keys

    Flexmonster Pivot Table needs a license key. This guide describes how to use them.

    You can also check out which types of license keys exist.

    Setting a license key

    When you receive a license key, set it for the component via the licenseKey parameter. See the examples of setting a license key below:

    In pure JavaScript

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      container: "pivotContainer",
    componentFolder: "node_modules/flexmonster/",
      licenseKey: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

    In React


    In Angular


    In Vue


    If you experience any errors, see the Troubleshooting guide.

    Setting multiple license keys

    If you have multiple license keys for different environments, specify the licenseKey as an array of strings to pass these keys to Flexmonster. The component will use the first valid key from the array.

    See the examples of setting multiple license keys below:

    In pure JavaScript

    const pivot = new Flexmonster({
      container: "pivotContainer",
      componentFolder: "node_modules/flexmonster/",
      licenseKey: [

    In React


    In Angular


    In Vue


    If you experience any errors, see the Troubleshooting guide.

    Checking a license key

    You can check your license key by clicking on the grid and pressing Ctrl + Alt + i (Option + Control + i on macOS). This will open the pop-up window displaying your license information.

    What’s next?

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