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Flexmonster Pivot & Elasticsearch Integration

For years, Flexmonster performs seamless integration with Elasticsearch data source, but we keep working on it! It empowers you to unlock the full potential of Elasticsearch by creating dynamic reports and charts right within your browser. 

Flexmonster requires minimum efforts to set up the configuration, and the entire process is time-saving.

What is Elasticsearch, and why use it?

Elasticsearch is known as the hottest full-text search engine in the tech world. Furthermore, it’s a free and open-source technology for exploring the structured and unstructured data. It has the capability of scaling out to hundreds of servers, and, as a result, processing huge amounts of data.

Here at Flexmonster, we were really impressed by how fast it executes complex queries with multiple aggregations. That makes it the perfect match if you want to achieve high-performance pivot reports.

Powered by Lucene, Elasticsearch delivers lightning-fast full-text search capabilities. With near real-time indexing, documents become searchable within seconds, making it perfect for time-sensitive tasks like security analytics and infrastructure monitoring. Besides speed and scalability, Elasticsearch offers data rollups and index lifecycle management for even greater efficiency.

How does it work with Flexmonster?

The key feature is that there is no need to load all the raw data into the pivot table to build the cube - a multi-dimensional representation of the data. Flexmonster sends a sequence of queries to get the summarized data from Elasticsearch. It makes it possible to see the insights based on gigabytes of data just in a matter of seconds. Also, there is no need for complex server-side configurations since Elasticsearch has a built-in RESTful API. You only need to connect the Elastic host URL and the index name.

As the technology is developing, we roll out updates and fixes, which you can track at Release notes.

Elasticsearch real-time demo

Have first-hand experience with a live demo to see the component capabilities in action.

Download and try it yourself

Flexmonster integration with Elasticsearch is already available for download on our website, with a detailed guide inside the package.

Please note, that you need to enable CORS (disabled by default) to be able to connect to the Elasticsearch server directly from the browser. To do that, open elasticsearch.yml and add the following configuration:

http.cors.enabled: true
http.cors.allow-origin: "*"
http.cors.allow-credentials: true
http.cors.allow-headers: "X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Content-Length, Authorization"

Also, if you are going to allow a connection to the Elasticsearch server from outside the localhost, you need to open an appropriate port in the firewall. The default one is 9200, but it may be different depending on the configuration in the elasticsearch.yml file.

We have also prepared blow-by-blow documentation for you to ease your integration process after download.


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