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  • flexmonster create

    flexmonster create|c [args] [options]

    This command creates a sample project with Flexmonster based on a chosen language and front-end framework. Also, it can install the needed npm dependencies and run the project.


    The flexmonster create command can be run with the following arguments:

    angularCreates a sample Angular project with Flexmonster Pivot. For example:
    flexmonster create angular -r
    vueCreates a sample Vue project with Flexmonster Pivot. You can choose from the following configurations:
    • Vue 2 + ES6:
      flexmonster create vue 2 es6 -r
    • Vue 2 + TypeScript:
      flexmonster create vue 2 typescript -r
    • Vue 3 + ES6:
      flexmonster create vue 3 es6 -r
    • Vue 3 + TypeScript:
      flexmonster create vue 3 typescript -r
    If the configuration is not specified, you will be prompted to choose it during the initialization process.
    reactCreates a sample React project with Flexmonster Pivot. You can choose from the following configurations:
    • Next.js + TypeScript:
      flexmonster create react nextjs -r
    • React + ES6:
      flexmonster create react es6 -r
    • React + TypeScript:
      flexmonster create react typescript -r
    If the configuration is not specified, you will be prompted to choose it during the initialization process.
    nextjsCreates a sample Next.js + TypeScript project with Flexmonster Pivot. For example:
    flexmonster create nextjs -r
    typescriptCreates a sample project with Flexmonster Pivot based on TypeScript. For example:
    flexmonster create typescript -r
    If needed, webpack can be added to the project:
    flexmonster create typescript webpack -r
    javascriptCreates a sample project with Flexmonster Pivot based on pure JavaScript. For example:
    flexmonster create javascript -r
    electronCreates a sample ElectronJS project with Flexmonster Pivot. For example:
    flexmonster create electron -r


    The flexmonster create command can be run with the following options:

    --install, -iAutomatically installs all the needed npm dependencies.
    --run, -rAutomatically installs all the needed npm dependencies and runs the project.
    --help, -hShows the short guidance on this command in the console. Use this command to see all the possible uses of the create command.

    What’s next?

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