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  • flexmonster update

    flexmonster update|u [args] [options]

    This command updates Flexmonster Pivot, Flexmonster wrapper for a chosen framework, Flexmonster Data Server, or Flexmonster Accelerator. 


    The flexmonster update command can be run with the following arguments:

    acceleratorUpdates Flexmonster Accelerator for SSAS. The command can be executed from any folder.
    For example:
    flexmonster update accelerator
    fdsUpdates Flexmonster Data Server. The command usage and effect depend on how the Data Server is installed.

    As a Windows/Unix service
    The flexmonster update fds command updates the Data Server, reinstalls it as a service, and updates Flexmonster Admin Panel. Updating will not override the Data Server’s configuration, log files, or any other files or folders.

    Note that if flexmonster update is run on a machine where the Data Server is installed as a service, the flexmonster update fds command will be executed automatically.

    As a console application
    The flexmonster update fds command updates the Data Server files. Updating will not override flexmonster-config.json, log files, or any other files or folders.

    If the Data Server is used as a console application, execute the flexmonster update fds command from the folder with the Data Server.

    Note that if flexmonster update is run from the folder containing the flexmonster-config.json file, the flexmonster update fds command will be executed automatically.
    js-flexmonsterUpdates Flexmonster Pivot. Run the command inside your project. 
    If flexmonster update is run from the folder containing package.json with the "flexmonster" npm dependency, the flexmonster update js-flexmonster command will be executed automatically.
    ngx-flexmonsterUpdates the Flexmonster Angular wrapper for Angular 14 and later. Run the command inside your project. 
    If flexmonster update is run from the folder containing package.json with the "ngx-flexmonster" npm dependency, the flexmonster update ngx-flexmonster command will be executed automatically.
    ng-flexmonsterUpdates the Flexmonster Angular wrapper for Angular 5 through 15. Run the command inside your project. 
    If flexmonster update is run from the folder containing package.json with the "ng-flexmonster" npm dependency, the flexmonster update ng-flexmonster command will be executed automatically.
    react-flexmonsterUpdates the Flexmonster React wrapper. Run the command inside your project.
    If flexmonster update is run from the folder containing package.json with the "react-flexmonster" npm dependency, the flexmonster update react-flexmonster command will be executed automatically.
    vue-flexmonsterUpdates the Flexmonster Vue wrapper. Run the command inside your project. 
    If flexmonster update is run from the folder containing package.json with the "vue-flexmonster" npm dependency, the flexmonster update vue-flexmonster command will be executed automatically.


    The flexmonster update command can be run with the following options:

    --help, -hShows the short guidance on this command in the console. Use this command to see all the possible uses of the update command.

    What’s next?

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