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  • The <Pivot> component

    The <Pivot> component embeds Flexmonster into a Vue 2 application.

    The simplest component usage

    To add an empty pivot table, specify the <Pivot> tag without any props and attributes:


    Learn more about integration with Vue 2.

    Available props

    All the <Pivot> props are equivalent to the parameters of the new Flexmonster() API call. Check out the full list of available props.

    In addition to Flexmonster-specific props, you can also set standard HTML attributes (e.g., id, class, and style). They are not included in the component’s props but are available as non-prop attributes.

    Passing props to <Pivot>

    Props can be passed as hardcoded values or as variables:

    Hardcoded value


    In this example, the prop value is passed as a string. Learn how to pass values of different types.


    To pass a prop as a variable, use the v-bind directive:


    The specified variable (in our case, the report) should be defined in the <script> section of the file.


    The following example demonstrates how different <Pivot> props can be specified:


    Note Here is the full list of available props.

    See also