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Showcase: Flexmonster and Safari

Case study: Safari SOP in cooperation with Flexmonster

Safari SOP is a response management solution for corporate legal process teams. The software helps manage subpoenas, deliver responses electronically, and recover costs automatically in a secure online application. Its primary purpose is to save clients' time and reduce the risk when responding to legal demands. 

Company profile

Company name: Safari SOP

Founded by: a group of experienced developers from Seattle

Country: USA

Industry: Computer Software

Product: a response management solution to manage subpoenas responses

Flexmonster had a unique opportunity to become a part of this solution, and now we want to show you the results of our fruitful cooperation.

Challenges faced by Safari

Safari designed a system for responding to subpoenas and other routine document requests where each client has from 1K to 50K records per year. To analyze all this information, users needed a powerful and effective reporting tool. And that's where Flexmonster entered the game.

Safari was looking for a frontend reporting tool for their SaaS application. These were the main requirements:

  • great performance 
  • easy configuration 
  • simple maintenance

As for the technology stack, Safari needed a reporting tool able to integrate with Angular easily and get the data from Azure SQL Database. See this functionality in action through a live Angular pivot table demo.

Flexmonster successfully met all these requirements and became a part of the Safari SOP solution. 

Safari SOP in cooperation with Flexmonster

We managed to provide Safari with the best support and documentation throughout the integration of Flexmonster Pivot into their application. Therefore, the whole process required just two iterations with minimal development efforts. The dev team from Safari appreciates both the ease of Flexmonster integration and maintenance.

Safari product has been supplemented with reporting functionality. The users noted that the most valuable features for them are:

  • sorting
  • filtering
  • quick report configuration
  • export
  • performance

Here is how a typical report looks like in the application: 

The final result makes it possible for the user to quickly and conveniently analyze the system’s work and visualize the reports using pivot grids and charts.

Feedback about Flexmonster

We have been extremely happy with Flexmonster as a reporting tool in our SaaS product.  Super easy to implement and loaded with features out of the box that end users expect to have in a reporting tool.  Performance is great, and the reports are easy to configure and use.  It fills our needs and integrates with our product seamlessly.  We have only scratched the surface in leveraging the features that Flexmonster offers and look forward to adding more as our product continues to mature.  Fantastic product!  Keep up the great work!

Safari SOP

We at Flexmonster are proud to fulfill Safari's requirements and meet their expectations. Our team is looking forward to continuing our cooperation for many more years.  

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