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  • API Reference for older versions
  • FieldMappingObject

    This object allows setting the mapping for a specific field from the dataset.


    <uniqueName>: {
      caption: string,
      type: string,
      hierarchy: string,
      parent: string,
      folder: string,
      aggregations: string[],
      filters: boolean,
      visible: boolean,
      showEmptyValues: boolean,
      interval: string,
      calendar_interval: string,
      fixed_interval: string,
      isMeasure: boolean,
      time_zone: string,
      format: string,
      min_doc_count: number
    optional The field’s caption.
    optional The field’s data type. Only for "json", "csv", and "api" data source types. The type can be:
    • "string" — the field stores string data.
    • "number" — the field stores numerical data. It can be aggregated with all available aggregations.
    • "month" — the field stores months. Note that if the field stores month names only (in either short or full form), the field will be recognized by Flexmonster as a field of the "month" type automatically. If the field contains custom month names, specify its type as "month" explicitly.
    • "weekday" — the field stores days of the week.
    • "date" — the field stores a date. Fields of this type are split into 3 different fields: Year, Month, Day. Only for "json" and "csv" data source types.
    • "year/month/day" — the field stores a date. It’s displayed as a multilevel hierarchy with the following levels: Year > Month > Day. Only for "json" and "csv" data source types.
    • "year/quarter/month/day" — the field is a date. It’s displayed as a multilevel hierarchy with the following levels: Year > Quarter > Month > Day. Only for "json" and "csv" data source types.
    • "date string" — the field stores a date. Fields of this type are represented as strings and can be used in rows, columns, or report filters. The component sorts members of such a field as dates.
      Note that by default, "date string" fields are rounded down with the "1d" interval  (i.e., "04/25/2021T21:30:05" is rounded down to "04/25/2021T00:00:00"). If needed, you can set a custom interval for a field. Learn more about intervals.
      Fields of the "date string" type can be formatted using the datePattern option (the default pattern is "dd/MM/yyyy").
    • "datetime" — the field stores a date. You can select fields of this type for values.
      Fields of the "datetime" type can be formatted using the dateTimePattern option (the default pattern is "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").
    • "time" — the field stores time. The "time" type is used for fields that store a time interval (e.g., duration or elapsed time), which is not related to a specific date.
      Fields of this type can be formatted using the timePattern option (the default pattern is "HH:mm:ss").
    • "id" — the field identifies records in the dataset. You can specify only one "id" field in the mapping.
      Values of this field are returned in the CellDataObject.recordId property and the datachanged event. Note that an "id" field is not shown in the Field List.
      Use the "id" field type to create custom drill-through functionality or edit data from JSON.
      Only for "json" and "csv" data source types.
    • "property" — the field is a member property of another field. Fields of this type must be associated with a different field via the hierarchy property Live example.
      Note that "property" fields are not shown in the Field List.
      Only for the "json" data source type.
    optional The hierarchy’s name. When configuring hierarchies, specify this property to mark the field as a level of a hierarchy or as a member property of a hierarchy (in this case, the type parameter should be set to "property").
    Only for "json", "csv", and "api" data source types.
    See how to configure multilevel hierarchies.
    optional The unique name of the parent level. This property is necessary if the field is a level of a hierarchy and has a parent level.
    Only for "json", "csv", and "api" data source types.
    See how to configure multilevel hierarchies.
    optional The field’s folder. Folders are used to group several fields in the Field List. folder supports nesting via / (e.g., "Folder/Subfolder/").
    Only for "json", "csv", and "api" data source types.
    optional This property represents the list of aggregation functions that can be applied to the current measure.
    For "csv" and "json" data source types, you can also define available aggregations for all fields of a certain type.
    optional This property allows enabling and disabling the UI filters for a specific hierarchy. When set to false, the UI filters are disabled.
    Default value: true.
    optional When set to false, hides the field from the Field List.
    optional Indicates whether to show the field's members with empty values (true) or not (false).
    To configure this behavior for all fields in rows or columns, use the options.showEmptyValues property.
    Only for "json", "csv", and "api" data source types.
    Note that for the "api" data source type, this property has usage specifics for multilevel hierarchies:Default value: false.
    optional Allows rounding down dates by the given interval. For example, if the interval is "1d", 2021-05-25T21:30:00 will be rounded to 2021-05-25T00:00:00 Live example.
    The interval property can be used in the following ways:
    • For the "date string" and "datetime" field types. Supported date intervals are the following:
      • "y" for one year (e.g., "y").
      • "q" for one quarter (e.g., "q").
      • "M" for one month (e.g., "M").
      • "w" for one week (e.g., "w").
      • "d" for days (e.g., "1d"). Note that rounding by days starts from 1 January 1970.
      • "h" for hours (e.g., "7h").
      • "m" for minutes (e.g., "20m").
      • "s" for seconds (e.g., "30s").
      Note that "y", "q", "M", and "w" intervals should be used without numbers. Only for "csv" and "json" data source types.
    • For the date histogram in Elasticsearch. Check out the list of supported intervals.
      Note that the interval was deprecated in Elasticsearch version 7.2 and removed in version 8. If your Elasticsearch version is higher than 7.2, use either calendar_interval or fixed_interval properties instead of the interval.
      Only for the "elasticsearch" data source type.
    optional Sets the Elasticsearch’s calendar_interval parameter for the date histogram. This parameter allows rounding down dates by the given interval. For example, if the calendar_interval is "day", 2021-05-25T19:30:00 will be rounded to 2021-05-25T00:00:00 Live example.
    See the list of supported intervals: Calendar intervals.
    Only for Elasticsearch version 7.2 and higher.
    Default value: "day".
    optional Sets the Elasticsearch’s fixed_interval parameter for the date histogram. This parameter allows rounding down dates by the given interval. For example, if the fixed_interval is "3h", 2021-05-25T19:30:00 will be rounded to 2021-05-25T18:00:00 Live example.
    See the list of supported intervals: Fixed intervals.
    Only for Elasticsearch version 7.2 and higher.
    optional Indicates whether a field can be selected only for measures (true) or only for rows, columns, or report filters (false). The isMeasure property works only when the strictDataTypes option is set to true Live example.
    Only for the "json" data source type.
    Default value: false.
    optional Used for the date histogram. You can specify time zones as either an ISO 8601 UTC offset (e.g., +01:00 or -08:00) or as a time zone ID as specified in the IANA time zone database, such as America/Los_Angeles. Check out an example here.
    Only for the "elasticsearch" data source type.
    optional Used to format different types of date fields. The format can be used in the following ways:
    optional Used for the Elasticsearch date histogram. Can be used to show intervals with empty values (min_doc_count: 0).
    Only for the "elasticsearch" data source type.
    Default value: 1 (empty intervals are hidden).


    Here is an example of setting the mapping for specific fields in a CSV data source:

    dataSource: {
      filename: "data.csv",
      mapping: {
        "Order ID": {
          type: "string"
        "Month": {
          type: "month"
        "Company Name": {
          type: "string"
        "Region": {
          type: "string",
          hierarchy: "Geography"
        "State": {
          type: "string",
          parent: "Region",
          hierarchy: "Geography"
        "City": {
          type: "string",
          parent: "State",
          hierarchy: "Geography"
        // Mapping for other fields
    Live example

    See also

    Mapping guide